Citifluor Antifadent Solutions

Citifluor provides a range of antifadent mounting media which greatly reduces the fading of the fluorescence from FITC, rhodamine, Hoechst, Alexa, Green Fluorescent Protein, cyanine dyes, Texas Red, and phycoerythins. A range of antifadent mountants are available in either glycerol based or glycerol free solutions. Citifluor mountant can either be permanent (hardening) or not (non-hardening) depending on your labeling requirements

The use of fluorescent labels and markers is now widespread and immuno-fluorescence, which relies on the use of antibodies tagged with labels such as fluorescein, is a well-established technique.

A common problem associated with the microscopical examination of these materials is that the illumination used for stimulating the fluorescence also causes degradation of the label and this causes fading of fluorescence. This also is a problem when trying to visualize materials having a low level of labeling. The photofading of labeled materials can be retarded by the use of the Citifluor mountants.

Antifadent (AF) Solutions 
The antifadent solutions AF-1, AF-2 and AF-3 were specifically developed for use with FITC polyclonal antibodies but their use is now far more widespread. They show improved signal preservation with many other fluorochromes including rhodamines and DAPI. AF4 contains the antifadent propyl gallate, which is particularly suitable for use with DAPI and Alexa dye-stained materials, as well as FITC-labelled materials.

AF-1 - Glycerol-phosphate buffered solution containing antifadent for use with labeled tissue and dead cells. Available in two sizes.

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